Green Chilli Pickle Recipe | Quick and Easy pickle recipe

 Green Chilli Pickle Recipe

Green chilli pickle recipe

Here we are going to learn how to make Green chilli pickle instant

Preparation Time- 10 mins

Cook Time -10 mins

Cuisine: Indian, Maharashtrian, North Indian


100 gms Green Chillies

1/4 Cup Oil (~50 ml)

4 tsp Mustard Seeds (~25 gms)

1/2 tsp Turmeric (~ 3 gms)

2 tsp Salt (~20 gms)

1/2 tsp Hing (asafoetida)


Getting Things Ready

Wash green chillies, make them dry with a cotton cloth, The chillies must be absolutely dry.

chop the green chillies into small pieces, if you want you can keep the stem or either wise cut the stem.

Heat the oil and let it cool completely.

Grind the mustard seeds to a coarse powder.

In a large bowl, add the green chillies, mustard powder, salt, turmeric powder, hing(asafoetida), and oil together.

Mix well.

Store the Green Chilli Pickle in a clean, dry, air-tight glass Jar.

Let the pickle set for 2/3 days, after that you can serve it for lunch, dinner and your favorite dishes.

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