Crispy French Fries | Easy and Amazing French Fries Recipe

 Easy Amazing FrenchFries Recipe -

French Fries

Today I am going to teach you how to make the perfect French fries. Okay, first we need ingredients, potatoes, and peanut oil. First, what we are going to do, is we are going to wash the potatoes. Now we want to cut the potatoes, I am going to use this fry cutter right here. Ok, once the potatoes are cut, we are going to soak them in freezing cold water for about 20 minutes. What this will do is take out some of the starchy taste to the potatoes. As the potatoes are soaking we need to heat up our oil.

 I am going to use my deep fryer. You can use a pot if you like, the key here is to keep the temperature at a constant. What we are going to do first is keep the temperate fairly low, at around 320 degrees. Ok once the potatoes have soaked for 20 minutes, we take them out and you want to dry them really well. Once the potatoes are dry we are going to put them in the oil. And we are going to cook them for 6 minutes or until they are blond in color. Ok, we want to cook them until they look just about like this, they are not done yet, what we are going to do is take them and dry them.

One thing you need to do after a couple of batches you want the oil to sit and come back up to temperature. I have an indicator light here that says that it is ready. If you are using a pot then you want to just check it with a thermometer. Ok so once you have your fries fried for about4 to 6 minutes at about 320 degrees, a lower heat, what we are going to is we are going to freeze them. Ok, I just took these fries out of the freezer and they are ready to go for the next step, which is the high heat fry. This is the classic two fry method. So what you want to do is set the oil temperature to about 400 to 425 degrees, so really really hot. Then you are going to put your fries in there, and they will be there between 1 and a half to 2 minutes until they are done. 

One thing that is cool about freezing these is that you can do a whole bunch of upfront. That's what I like to do is whole bunch upfront and then they are in the freezer and they are stored. And then what I want to do, is when I want some fries, I will just take the portion that I want I will fry them up and eat them and just store the rest in the freezer. It's a good way to go, it saves time and money. Ok, you cook them until they look about like this.

Now you get a plate with some paper towel, and you put the fries right on it, and that will take out some of the extra greases. Shake it up a little bit; put some salt on there. Well, there you have it the perfect French fries. These are restaurant quality fries, they are fun, easy to make, and if you make them in bulk they are super duper cheap. Thank you 

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