Gujarati Batata Vada Recipe
Welcome to Stuffifood.Today we will be going to make Gujarati Style Batata Vada which is totally different from Bombay Style Vada. For Gujarati Style Batata Vada you will need 500 gm Boiled Potatoes, some Finely chopped fresh Coriander Leaves, 1 Medium size Chopped Green Chilly, Salt, 1 tsp Garam Masala, 1tsp Sugar, 1 tsp Garlic and Ginger Paste and half Lemon. For better, you will need 150 gm bean Flour or Gram Flour, 1 Pinch Soda Bi-carb, Water, and Oil for deep frying. In the Boiled Potato first a fall I am going to add Green Chilies, Coriander Leaves, GaramMasala, Sugar, Garlic and Ginger Paste, Salt and now I am Squeezing the Lemon, mix all things very well and Mash the Potatoes with Hand, so this is it our Potato mixture is ready. Now we have to make small Balls from it of equal Sizes, see it should look like this, you can make these Potato Balls a few Hours before the serving and keep it in a Freeze, so this is it our all Potato Balls are ready. It is time to make our Better.
First of all, put the Besan Flour into the mixing bowl, add Soda Bi-carb and Salt to taste, mix all the ingredients very well, now add a little bit of Water, first a fall we have to make thick Better from it then we will make Thin Better so it doesn't form lungs, now we will make Thin Better by adding some more water, this is the right consistency for Batata Vada. Oil is perfectly heated so I am going to Fry the Vada, take one Ball deep it perfectly remove the access Better and Fry it, I don’t want to Cook it full for first-time because I want to make it Crispy so I am going to Fry it the second time just before the serving, so I am taking it out, so now I am going to heat it the second time in very Hot Oil, you have to stir it continuously so it can be cooked perfectly, it has become perfectly GoldenBrown and Crispy so I am going to take this Out.I am going to serve it with Green Chutney and Tomato Ketchup. I hope you have enjoyed Gujarati Style Batata vada. To learn more Food recipes stay connected with Stuffifood. Thank you
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